Nta Ugc Net Paper 1-Carbon Dioxide Emissions Mcq Live Mock Test

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  1. Which of the following nations has the maximum per capita emissions of carbon di-oxide?

(A) China

(B) Japan


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(D) India

[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Answer: (C)[/bg_collapse]


  1. In terms of total CO2 emissions from a country, identify the correct sequence:

(A) U.S.A. > China >India> Russia

(B) China> U.S.A>India>Russia

(C) China>U.S.A.>Russia>India

(D) U.S.A>China>Russia>India

[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Answer: (B)[/bg_collapse]


Q.44 How much carbon is being added to the atmosphere by burning of fossil fuels ?

  1. 6-9 billion tons
  2. 9-12 billion tons
  3. 4-6 billion tons
  4. 2-6 billion tons

[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Answer: 1[/bg_collapse]


Q-36 The two major processes involved in the carbon cycle are:


  1. Photosynthesis and respiration
  2. Deposition and erosion
  3. Fixation and denitrification
  4. Evaporation and transpiration

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Q.43 Identify the correct sequences of countries in decreasing order of their contribution to global carbon dioxide emissions?

  1. USA 
  2. China 
  3. Russia
  4. India
  5. Japan

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A, B, D, C, E,
  2. B, A, D, C, E
  3. B, A, D, E, C
  4. A, B, D, E, C

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Q43.  Identify the correct sequence of the countries in decreasing order of their contributes to per capita emissions of carbon dioxide emissions at present

  1. India
  2. China
  3. USA
  4. Japan 
  5. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
  1. C, D,B,A
  2. B,C, A, D
  3. D, B, C, A
  4. C, B, D, A

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Q.36 Identify the correct sequence of countries contributing to global CO2 emission in decreasing order from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacturing and gas flaring in the year 2014

  1. USA
  2. EU-28
  3. China
  4. Russia

Choose the correct answer from the given below

  1. C, A, B, D
  2. A, C, B, D
  3. A, B, C, D
  4. A, C, D, B

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Q.39 Identify the correct sequence of sectrol global CO2  Emission in increasing order as per IPCC (2014) report

  1. Electricity and heat production
  2. Bildiings
  3. Transportation
  4. Industry

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. B, C, D, A
  2. B, C, A, D
  3. B, D, C, A
  4. B, D, A, C

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Q.37 Arrange the global warming potential of a molecule of the following greenhouse gases (relative to CO2 ) in decreasing order :

(A) Methene 

(B) Nitrous oxide 

(C) CFC -12

(D) CFC -11 

(E) Sulphur hexafluoride (Sf6)

Choose the  correct answer from the options given below :

(1)  (E) > (D) >  (C)  > (B) > (A)

(2) (C)  > (E) > (D) > (B) > (A)

(3)  (D) > (E) >  (C)  > (B) > (A)

(4)  (E) > (C)  > (D) > (B) >  (A) 

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