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[2023] Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test-Mcq With Questions Answer Pdf: इस आर्टिकल में आपको Women Studies Mock Test in Hindi, Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test, Women Studies Questions In Hindi, Women Studies Mcq Pdf, Women Studies Practice Questions Answer मिलेगे. यहाँ आपको Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test Series में 70 से ज्यादा Important Questions देखने को मिलेगे. Online Mock Test For Ugc Net Women Studies Paper 2 आपके लिए बहुत लाभदायक साबित होगा. Ugc Net Women Studies Live Mock Test Practice Set Pdf के लिए आपको पोस्ट के लास्ट में Download Link मिल जायेगा.
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Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test I Mock Test For Women Studies
1. Which one of the following Universities first started a course on Women’s Studies ?
(1) San Diego State University (2) Cornell University
(3) S.N.D.T. University (4) Oxford University
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
2. Gender sensitive curriculum refers to that type of curriculum which
(1) has separate provision for women students.
(2) excludes Boys not to learn gender issues.
(3) attempts to challenge the gender stereotypes.
(4) includes only women’s issues.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
3. Dual systems feminism suggests that women’s oppression is linked to a mixture of which
of the following ?
(1) Gender and Sex (2) Capitalism and Biology
(3) Culture and Patriarchy (4) Capitalism and Patriarchy
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
4. Which of the feminist ideology attempts to revalidate ‘female nature or female essence’ ?
(1) Radical feminism (2) Liberal feminism
(3) Cultural feminism (4) Subaltern feminism
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
5. Who coined the slogan “The personal is Political, “Which became synonymous with the
Second Wave Feminism ?
(1) Gamal Abdel Nasser (2) Simon de Beauvoir
(3) Carol Hanisch (4) Susan B. Anthony
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
6. Which of the following variable is most critical for those who focus on gender oppression
theory ?
(1) Power (2) Money
(3) Mothering (4) Culture
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
7. Which of the following women have featured in the postage stamp issued by US to
commemorate the centennial celebrations of Seneccafalls convention.
I. Elizabeth Cady Stanton II. Carrie Chapman Catt
III. Lucretia Mott IV. Frederick Douglass
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV are correct. (2) I and III are correct.
(3) I, II and III are correct. (4) I, III and IV are correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
8. Which one of the following feminist theorists said, regarding human growth and
development, “Women organize their sense identity, find existential meaning, achieve a
sense of coherence and continuity, and are motivated in the context of a relationship.”
(1) Carol Gilligan
(2) J.V. Jordan and J.L. Surrey
(3) Elizabeth Cady and Susan B. Anthony
(4) Alison M. Jaggar
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
9. Which of the following perspectives acknowledges that women experience oppression in
the variety of ways according to class, race, ethnicity, religion and sexual preference ?
(1) Cultural materialism (2) Intersectionality theory
(3) Socialist feminism (4) Liberal feminism
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test
13. Who said the following ?
“Educate your women first and leave them to themselves, then they will tell you what
reforms are necessary for them”.
(1) Mahatma Gandhi (2) Swami Vivekananda
(3) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (4) Jawaharlal Nehru
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
14. Which of the following statements is an example of the Ascribed status ?
I. Person born in a wealthy family.
II. Gender of the person.
III. Caste and creed of a person.
IV. Person born in a educated family.
Codes :
(1) I is correct. (2) II and III are correct.
(3) I and IV are correct. (4) I, II, III and IV are correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
21. Among the following feminists who believed that the biologists, psychologists and
Marxists have to say about the causes and reasons for woman’s condition, but none of
them truly explain, why women not man is the other.
(1) Simone de Beauvoir (2) Harriyet Taylor
(3) Nancy Chowdrow (4) Shulamith Firestone
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
22. Gap between urban/rural female literacy rate in India as per 2011 census is
(1) 20.17 per cent (2) 21.07 per cent
(3) 21.17 per cent (4) 22.4 per cent
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
25. In which research technique, there is more involvement of the researcher with the
researched ?
(1) Questionnaire (2) Participant observation
(3) Interview method (4) Interview guide
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Ugc Net Women Studies Question Papers With Answers
26. Which Article of the Constitution of India requires the state to endeavour to secure for the
citizens a Uniform Civil Code ?
(1) Article 42 (2) Article 44
(3) Article 45 (4) Article 46
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
27. Assertion (A) : Gender equality means accepting and valuing equally the differences
between women and men and the diverse roles they play in the society.
Reason (R) : Gender sensitization programme has not brought positive changes to achieve
gender equality in the society.
Which one of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
29. Who was the Minister of Women and Child Development when the National Policy on
Empowerment of Women was framed ?
(1) Renuka Choudhary (2) Krishna Tirath
(3) Menaka Sanjay Gandhi (4) Sumitra Mahajan
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
30. As per ‘Sukanya Samridhi Yojana’, the parents of girl children can open an account for a
girl child up to the age of
(1) 5 years (2) 10 years
(3) 15 years (4) 18 years
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
31. Who among the following set up a radio transmitter called “The Voice of Freedom” to
disseminate Gandhiji’s message during Quit India Movement ?
(1) Aruna Asaf Ali (2) Usha Mehta
(3) Sarojini Naidu (4) Annie Besant
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
33. Which of the following International Conference was marked by a growth of networks
linking women’s activism at the local and global levels ?
(1) Mexico City Conference (2) Copenhagen Conference
(3) Nairobi Conference (4) Beijing Conference
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
34. The 2016 Women Economic Forum (WEF) has been hosted by which of the following
countries ?
(1) Brazil (2) India
(3) South Africa (4) Russia
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
Women Studies Ugc Net Mock Test
35. Which of the following terminology is correct according to the “Indecent Representation
of Women (Prohibition) Act”, 1986 ?
I. An “advertisement” include any notice, circular label, wrapper or other document.
II. “Distribution” includes distribution by way of material sold only.
III. An “advertisement” include any visible representation made by means of any light,
sound, smoke or gas.
IV. “Package” includes a box, carton, tin or any container.
Codes :
(1) I,II, III and IV (2) I, II and III
(3) I, II and IV (4) I, III and IV
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36. Which of the following is correct that during the ancient Olympic Games ?
(1) Only the married women could participate in or watch the games.
(2) Only unmarried women could watch the games.
(3) Women were not allowed to watch the games.
(4) Women with their husbands alone were allowed to watch the games.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
37. Which research design aims at finding out the possibility of conducting research and
formulation of hypothesis ?
(1) Diagnostic (2) Descriptive
(3) Experimental (4) Exploratory
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39. In which year the Global Gender Gap Index was first introduced ?
(1) 2002 (2) 2004
(3) 2006 (4) 2007
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40. Which of the following was a significant event in the bay Rights moment ?
(1) Seneca falls (2) Stonewall Riots
(3) Declaration of Sentiments (4) Beaumont Race Riots
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
43. Arrange chronologically the Schemes/Acts according to the year of establishment :
I. Juvenile Justice Act
II. Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act
III. Integrated child protection scheme.
IV. The protection of children from sexual offences.
Codes :
(1) I, II, III, IV (2) I, II, IV, III
(3) II, I, IV, III (4) I, III, II, IV
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
44. Who has been named as the most powerful woman in technology on the Forbes’ 100 most
powerful women list ?
(1) Indra Nooyi (2) Sheryl Sandberg
(3) Chanda Kochhar (4) Ginni Rometty
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
45. What does formation of an All India Group by the name of National Federation of Dalit
Women Symbolize ?
I. Invisibility of Dalit Women.
II. Dalit Women’s perception of exclusion from the main stream.
III. Legal inequalities.
IV. Caste-based inequalities.
Codes :
(1) I, II, IV (2) II, III, IV
(3) I, II, III, IV (4) I, III, IV
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
Ugc Net Mock Test Paper 2 Women Studies
47. Which of the following schemes encourage parents to build a fund for the feature
education and marriage expenses for their girl children.
(1) Kishori Samriddhi Yojana
(2) Janani Surakha Yojana
(3) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
(4) Sabala Samriddhi Yojana
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
48. Who said that men’s relationship with nature was predatory from the beginning and in his
lust for power, man establishes a similar relationship with women who seemed to be like
nature ?
(1) Maria Mies (2) Simon de Beauvoir
(3) Medha Patkar (4) Robin Morgan
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
49. R.W. Connell’s theory of the gender hierarchy identifies many expressions of Femininity
and Masculinity. Which one sets at the top of the hierarchy ?
(1) Complicit Masculinity
(2) Hegemonic Masculinity
(3) Emphasised Femininity
(4) Complicit Femininity
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
50. Which of the following is an approach/strategy for Women In Development (WID).
I. An approach which views women’s lack of participation of the problem.
II. Integrate women into existing structures.
III. Increase women’s ability to manage the household.
IV. Address unequal relations between women and men for equitable development.
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV are correct. (2) I, II and IV are correct.
(3) I and II are correct. (4) I, II and III are correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
7. Who has given a call to build a “social order, the only one that allows for a radical
solution to the women’s question” ?
(1) Betty Friedan (2) Clara Zetkin
(3) Julie Bindel (4) Sheila Jeffreys
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
8. Temperance Movement is associated with
(1) Voting rights (2) Prohibition of liquor
(3) Equal rights (4) Rights for land
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
9. Which of the following types of feminist theory proposes that men unconsciously desire to
dominate women because they fear their own morality ?
(1) Material feminism (2) Radical feminism
(3) Existential feminism (4) Psychoanalytical feminism
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
Ugc Net Women Studies Online Mock Test I Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test
10. Which school of thought does advocate for transformation of the relationship between the
mode of production and sexuality as it would free women from material conditions of the
traditional set up ?
(1) Radical feminism (2) Existentialism
(3) Marxist feminism (4) Post-modern feminism
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of feminist theory ?
(1) It treats women as the central subjects of investigation.
(2) It promotes activism on behalf of women.
(3) It is multicultural in orientation.
(4) It advocates a linear understanding of the historical experiences of men and women.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
12. Who said the following ?
“Empowerment is a process of awareness and capacity building, leading to greater
participation, to greater decision-making power and control and to transformative action.”
(1) Indu Agnihotri (2) Archana Sharma
(3) Neera Desai (4) Nirmala Benarjee
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
13. The protagonists of the Reformist movement on women’s issues in India were :
(1) Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar and Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(2) Jawaharlal Nehru and Sri Aurobindo
(3) Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Gandhiji
(4) Vijaylaxmi Pandit and Gandhiji
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
15. Among the following, which pair of States have a district each according to 2011 Census,
Child Sex Ratio 1005 and above ?
(1) Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya
(2) Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
(3) Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram
(4) Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Arunachal Pradesh
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
18. Assertion (A) : Culture is a system of interrelated values active enough to influence and
condition perception, judgement, communication and behaviour in a given society.
Reason (R) : Gender identities and gender relations are critical aspects of culture and they
shape the way daily life is lived.
(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the explanation for (A).
(3) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
19. Which among the following set of countries have 40 per cent plus women’s representation
in the lower/single house of their respective National Parliaments as per InterParliamentarian Union (August 2016) ?
(1) Rwanda, Nicaragua, Senegal and Seychelles
(2) Rwanda, Sweden, Denmark and Netherlands
(3) Rwanda, South Africa, Cuba and Timor-Leste
(4) Namibia, Rwanda, Bolivia and Germany
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Women Studies Mock Test Paper 2 I Ugc Net Women Studies Mock Test
20. Assertion (A) : Sexual crimes are not crime of passion or isolated acts of perversion, but
are aimed at curtailing women’s freedom and reiterating that public spaces are
physically dominated by men.
Reason (R) : The systematic sexual assault of tribal and lower class women by the
landlords and on women from the minority communities during civil strife are
intended to demoralize the family and the group or community to which the victim
Which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(4) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
21. Which of the following are the variables included in the sub Index of Educational
attainment in Global Gender Gap Index ?
I. Ratio of female literacy over male value.
II. Ratio of female net primary enrolment rate over male value.
III. Ratio of female net secondary enrolment rate over male value.
IV. Ratio of female net tertiary enrolment rate over male value.
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV are correct. (2) II, III and IV are correct.
(3) II and III are correct. (4) I, II and III are correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
22. Which of the following post-modernists said “feminine writing is not merely a new style
of writing, it is the very possibility of change of social and cultural standards” ?
(1) Jacques Derrida (2) Luce Irigaray
(3) Helene Cixous (4) Julia Kristeva
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
23. Assertion (A) : Gender has the ability to affect a number of aspects related to an
individual’s relationship to Television (TV) ranging from programme that were
Reason (R) : The viewing styles differ as women prefer to use TV as an accompaniment
to watch serials while men watch the sports, news and fiction serials attentively.
Which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(4) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
24. Who said that men everywhere are held to be violent for they uphold the global patriarchal
hierarchy but since the white men currently control the technology of destruction, they are
more culpable than men elsewhere ?
(1) Ester Boserup (2) Maria Mies
(3) Padmini Swaminathan (4) Friedrick Engels
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
25. Which of the following can be concluded “domestic workers” according to the Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 ?
I. Women employed to do household work for remuneration whether is cash or kind.
II. Women who are employed through any agency on temporary or part time basis.
III. Women employed through any agency on a full time or permanent basis.
IV. Women who are from the family of the employer.
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV (2) I, II and III
(3) I and III (4) I, III and IV
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
26. Which Article and Clause of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women obligates the state parties to eliminate discrimination
against women in rural areas and to ensure that such women have the right to access to
agricultural credit and loans, marketing facilities, appropriate technology and equal
treatment in land and agrarian reforms as well as in land resettlements schemes :
(1) Article 16(1)(h) (2) Article 16(1)(e)
(3) Article 14(2)(d) (4) Article 14(2)(g)
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
28. Arrange the following Acts in order of year during which they have been passed :
I. Juvenile Justice Act
II. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
III. National Commission for Protection of Child Right
IV. Integrated Child Protection Scheme
Codes :
(1) III, I, IV, II (2) I, IV, III, I
(3) I, III, IV, II (4) IV, III, I, II
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
29. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for “Not less than one-third (including
the number of seats reserved for women belonging to SC and ST) of the total number of
seats to be filled by direct elections in every Municipality shall be reserved for women and
such seats may be allotted by rotation to different constituencies in a Municipality” ?
(1) Article 243 T(3) (2) Article 243 P
(3) Article 243 R (4) Article 243 Y
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
Online Mock Test For Ugc Net Women Studies Paper 2
30. Who said in the Constituent Assembly on December 19, 1946 :
“We have never asked for privileges. What we have asked for is social justice, economic
justice and political justice. We have asked for that equality which can alone be the basis
of mutual respect and understanding and without which real cooperation is not possible
between man and woman.”
(1) Renuka Ray (2) Hansa Mehta
(3) Begum Aizaz Rasul (4) Ammukutty Swaminathan
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
31. Which of the following World Conference Declaration adopted “the human body, whether
that of women or men, is not to be dishonoured and respect for it is a fundamental element
of human dignity and freedom” ?
(1) Mexico Conference (2) Cairo Conference
(3) Beijing 20+ Conference (4) Nairobi Conference
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
35. Ken Plummer has identified 4 types of homosexuality in modern western culture. Which
one refers to setting where men engage in same sex activity only as a substituted for
heterosexual behaviour ?
(1) Casual Homosexuality (2) Personalised Homosexuality
(3) Situated Homosexuality (4) Contrived Homosexuality
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
37. Assertion (A) : Large number of government schools have been closed under
rationalization, in spite of providing free education in many States of India.
Reason (R) : The privatization and commercialization of Education have led the parents
to send their children to the private schools.
Which one of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(2) (A) is false and (R) is true.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
39. Who among the following is the Union Minister of State, Ministry of Women and Child
Development (2016) ?
(1) Anupriya Patel (2) Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
(3) Krishna Raj (4) Niranjan Jyoti
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
Ugc Net Women Studies Live Mock Test
40. Which of the following services are offered by Integrated Child Development Scheme ?
I. Supplementary Nutrition for Children, Pregnant Women and lactating mothers.
II. Non-formal and Adult Education
III. Nutrition and Health Education
IV. Referral Services
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV are correct. (2) I, II and III are correct.
(3) I and III are correct. (4) I, III and IV are correct.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
41. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India has been interpreted by the
Supreme Court as to include the Right to Live with Dignity ?
(1) Article 15 (2) Article 16
(3) Article 19 (4) Article 21
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
44. Who are the Co-chairs of the High Level Panel on the Economic Empowerment of
Women Constituted by the Secretary General of the United Nations in January 2016 ?
(1) Justine Greening and Winnie Byanyima
(2) Alicial Giren Gonzalez and Tina Fordham
(3) Phumzile Miambo-Ngcuka and Sharan Burrow
(4) Luis Guillermo Solis Rivera and Simona Scarpaleggia
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
45. Assertion (A) : Achieving sustainable development in the lives of Dalit women, it is
essential for the government to provide and secure land rights ownership along with
original patta.
Reason (R) : Lack of gender disaggregated data of land owners records, the land
alienation and grabbing from rural India has increased over a period.
Which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(2) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.
(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 3[/bg_collapse]
46. What is correct about case study method ?
(1) It is useful for quantitative analysis.
(2) The validity of the data collected by this method cannot be verified.
(3) It is free of the prejudices and biases held by the researcher.
(4) It is not appropriate method for the formulation of a hypothesis.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
47. Which set of States have the highest percentage of main workers according to Census
2011 ?
(1) Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Assam
(2) Daman & Diu, Chandigarh, Maharashtra
(3) Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha
(4) Jammu & Kashmir, Lakshadweep, Telangana
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
48. How many Indians are there in June 2016 Forbes most powerful women list ?
(1) Eight (2) Six
(3) Three (4) Four
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
49. Assertion (A) : Though the infant mortality and under 5 mortality rates have declined
over the years, the malnutrition among children below 5 years of age are very high.
Reason (R) : India’s only national programme for combating widespread child
malnutrition is integrated child development services.
Which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation for (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(3) (A) is correct, (R) is wrong.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is not the correct explanation for (A).
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
50. What are the reasons for feminists to criticize the idea of disciplining and homogenising
citizenship ?
I. It was premised on institutionalised heterosexuality.
II. It led to the empowerment of sexual minorities.
III. It was gender blind.
IV. It led to the harassment of the sexual minorities.
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV (2) I, II and III
(3) I, III and IV (4) II, III and IV
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Ugc Net Mcq Mock Test For Women Studies
59. According to the Global Gender Gap Index (2015) India is at which rank as far as the
indicator of Economic Participation is concerned ?
(1) 129 Rank (2) 131 Rank
(3) 135 Rank (4) 139 Rank
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 4[/bg_collapse]
60. According to India Health Report : Nutrition 2015, what per cent of children under three
years of age have received supplementary food recommended by Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS) for 21 days a month ?
(1) 21.3 per cent (2) 26.3 per cent
(3) 31.3 per cent (4) 20.3 per cent
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 1[/bg_collapse]
63. On which of the following dates a delegation of Indian women met ‘the Viceroy to
demand voting rights for women’ ?
(1) March 24, 1917 (2) November 18, 1916
(3) December 18, 1917 (4) March 21, 1921
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64. Who was the first feminist on record to challenge Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory ?
(1) Anna Freud (2) Karen Horney
(3) Margaret Mahler (4) Carol Gilligan
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65. Which of the following acts provides for punishment for false or malicious complaint and
false evidence ?
(1) Protection of Women from Domestic Violence
(3) Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(4) Dowry Prohibition
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67. Which of the following terms and their meaning are according to the Maternity Benefit
Act, 1961 ?
I. ‘Delivery’ means the birth of a child.
II. ‘Establishment’ means a factory, mine, plantation, shop amongst others.
III. ‘Child’ includes a live birth only
IV. ‘Woman’ means a woman employed whether directly or through an agency, for
wages in any establishment.
Codes :
(1) I, II, III and IV (2) I, II and IV
(3) I, II and III (4) I, III and IV
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]Ans- 2[/bg_collapse]
68. Who is the First Women Managing Director of International Monetary Fund ?
(1) Christine Legarde (2) Elizabeth A. Vazquez
(3) Samia Soluhu (4) Mitchel Baker
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